Friday, February 19, 2010

What Tiger's apology means to golf

Few people in the entire world will ever give a pubic apology in the magnitude as Tiger Woods did on February 19, 2010. In recent history, other than former President Clinton and Kobe Bryant's apologies for their indiscretions, the forum for this indiscretion apology was greater. Greater due to the number of women involved and the shattering of his seemingly perfect public image.

First of all, if Tiger was just another pro golfer and not "the" golfer, the story of this magnitude would not have taken place. Case in point, the troubles John Daly has had throughout his career, was not covered in the magnitude as Tiger. In fact, Daly's troubles are a part of his legacy and gives ordinary people a public figure they can relate to. What increased Tiger's notoriety is developing himself as an indestructible figure on the golf course and a role model for millions of kids and weekend warriors at our local greens. Not to mention the endorsement deals and his foundation helped to cement his status not just in Golf, but in any professional sport. It is rare one person in any industry has such an impact. In this case, the sport of golf is under the giant shadow of Tiger Woods. Case in point, I bet many of you can not name three players that are participating in the PGA's Accenture Match Play Championship (without guessing) or remember the winner on the same weekend as Tiger's apology. However Tiger's public apology will be remembered for years to come.

To read the entire story click here.

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