Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Your San Francisco Rumble is playing basketball to support efforts in Haiti

The American Basketball Association (ABA) is alive an well and now playing at the Richmond P.A.L. gymnasium for a good cause. Several teams in the ABA have joined forces to play from February 1-6 to assist the Richmond High School Kiwins Club and Richmond P.A.L. to raise money for the relief effort in Haiti. As explained in my earlier article, the Kiwins Club is assisting with bringing awareness of this event and collecting donations for the Haitian relief effort.

Our local team, the San Francisco Rumble, will play on three days of this event. The ABA teams that are participating are at the Richmond P.A.L. gym are:

San Francisco Rumble
Compton Cobras
Hawaii Pegasus
California Sea Kings
Sacramento Heatwave
Clayton Showtime
Seattle Mountaineers

To read the entire article click here.

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