Tuesday, February 9, 2010

If you haven't read part one of this story read the story below first.

So who is to blame for this phenomenon of boys and men unfortunately wearing pants a few sizes too big?
Rappers and Rap Videos
It's too easy to blame Rappers and Rap Videos, however it is actually deeper than that. Boys and men in early rap videos had their pants up. You couldn't imagine Kool Moe Dee (pictured left) with those huge glasses and that tight leather outfit with his pants sagging. You might have been wondering what in the world Afrika Bambaataa (below) or Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five were wearing back then, but their pants were by in large fitting. If anything Hip Hop artists of today are mimicking popular culture. Very few Rap artists today provide innovation with their musicianship and style of dress (yes that's a personal opinion). It is more so duplication on what the perceived image of a Rap artist should be and what trends are popular. Many kids today who admire various Rappers do emulate their style. However not all Rap artists should be lumped in the "all pants size too big" category. Artists like Common and Q-Tip provide the uniqueness to their craft and do not appear to follow the pants sagging crowd.

To read the entire article click here.

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