Monday, February 1, 2010

Richmond High students and pro basketball teams collaborate for donations to benefit Haiti

Richmond P.A.L. (Police Athletic League) will host a series of ABA professional basketball games in their P.A.L. gymnasium the week of February 1-6, 2009. The location is 2200 McDonald Ave in Richmond. Proceeds from the games will be donated to the Red Cross for the relief effort in Haiti. Tickets prices range from $10 per individual game to $50 for the series pass. Corporate Sponsors are welcomed to advertise at the event.

Students from the Kiwins Club of Richmond High School are dedicated to make a difference in the lives of Haitians and are assisting with ticket sales, refreshments, collecting financial and clothing donations and canned food drives before and during the games. Richmond P.A.L. has teamed up with Sports Authority who is offering to send all donated shoes from this event to Haiti.

To read the entire story click here.

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