Thursday, April 8, 2010

Michael Steele's peculiar position

Michael Steele is in a peculiar position. Well actually he already is in a peculiar position as Chairman of the RNC. The recent drama of inappropriate spending put the party of family values in bondage (pun intended) with a small portion of donations funding a night of voyeurism, freaky situations and partying. One may expect stories like this to come from the Democratic ticket however the embarrassment of this reality within the righteous right has caused quite a stir.

As an African American in the position of Chairman of the RNC, Mr. Steele has established himself as a pioneer within the party, an outcast to many in the African American community, an apologist to Rush Limbaugh and an embarrassment to many Republicans. Although he is a pioneer with the title of "First African American to head the RNC," it has become an achievement many African Americans find difficult to embrace. With an overwhelming majority of African Americans historically supporting the Democratic ticket, especially in 2008 as Barack Obama campaigned for President, the Republicans (especially Mr. Steele) did not receive much love speaking out against (then) candidate Obama from Democrats and particularly the African American community. Mr. Steele never received the kudos for being the first in his position as President Obama did when he took the oath of office. Grant it, the President of the United States is a position that overshadows the head of the GOP and the DNC, however Mr. Steele's nomination was considered by many as an afterthought and a weak attempt to show diversity within the party.

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