Thursday, January 28, 2010

The rebuilding of John Edwards

There are men who have cheated on their spouses. There are men who treated their spouses badly. There are men who didn't claim their newborn children. There are men who lied about....well....anything. If so many men have been through this predicament, why is John Edwards considered among the lowest form of mankind? According to a recent Time magazine article, John Edwards has the worst approval ratings the featured polling organization has ever seen. That's huge coming from the state of North Carolina that produced Jesse Helms, as the article explains. This sentiment crosses class, gender and political party affiliations. Even the hole Tiger Woods dug himself into doesn't appear as deep as John Edwards.

John Edwards went from a North Carolina Senator, to 2004 Vice-Presidential candidate, to two time Presidential Candidate to cousin Ray-Ray who you run away from when you know he is coming. The news just doesn't get any better for Ray-Ray with the upcoming non-flattering autobiography about his family's personal life.

To read the entire article click here.

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