Friday, February 19, 2010

What Tiger's apology means to golf

Few people in the entire world will ever give a pubic apology in the magnitude as Tiger Woods did on February 19, 2010. In recent history, other than former President Clinton and Kobe Bryant's apologies for their indiscretions, the forum for this indiscretion apology was greater. Greater due to the number of women involved and the shattering of his seemingly perfect public image.

First of all, if Tiger was just another pro golfer and not "the" golfer, the story of this magnitude would not have taken place. Case in point, the troubles John Daly has had throughout his career, was not covered in the magnitude as Tiger. In fact, Daly's troubles are a part of his legacy and gives ordinary people a public figure they can relate to. What increased Tiger's notoriety is developing himself as an indestructible figure on the golf course and a role model for millions of kids and weekend warriors at our local greens. Not to mention the endorsement deals and his foundation helped to cement his status not just in Golf, but in any professional sport. It is rare one person in any industry has such an impact. In this case, the sport of golf is under the giant shadow of Tiger Woods. Case in point, I bet many of you can not name three players that are participating in the PGA's Accenture Match Play Championship (without guessing) or remember the winner on the same weekend as Tiger's apology. However Tiger's public apology will be remembered for years to come.

To read the entire story click here.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

If you haven't read part one of this story read the story below first.

So who is to blame for this phenomenon of boys and men unfortunately wearing pants a few sizes too big?
Rappers and Rap Videos
It's too easy to blame Rappers and Rap Videos, however it is actually deeper than that. Boys and men in early rap videos had their pants up. You couldn't imagine Kool Moe Dee (pictured left) with those huge glasses and that tight leather outfit with his pants sagging. You might have been wondering what in the world Afrika Bambaataa (below) or Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five were wearing back then, but their pants were by in large fitting. If anything Hip Hop artists of today are mimicking popular culture. Very few Rap artists today provide innovation with their musicianship and style of dress (yes that's a personal opinion). It is more so duplication on what the perceived image of a Rap artist should be and what trends are popular. Many kids today who admire various Rappers do emulate their style. However not all Rap artists should be lumped in the "all pants size too big" category. Artists like Common and Q-Tip provide the uniqueness to their craft and do not appear to follow the pants sagging crowd.

To read the entire article click here.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Men, you are looking like a fool with your pants on the ground, part one

I admit, I am old school and don't understand the phenomenon of boys and even some men having their pants sagging below their waistline. At the risk of sounding like someone's grandfather, during the time of my childhood, if anyone had their pants hanging that low, an adult would have approached and said "Pull your pants up!" You would of also been a victim of wedgies by your classmates.

As I reflect on how sagging pants would have been perceived during my childhood, I soon realize based on the pants I was wearing, I may not have the right to talk about someone's sagging pants. As a child in the 70's, I may of had brown corduroy pants with orange and yellow vertical stripes (thanks Mom) and even more amazing a shirt to match, but you better believe those pants were my size and I had a belt to keep those pants up. Trust me when I tell you my Mother would not stand to hear of a report from anyone that her son's pants were sagging and his fruit of the loom logo with those men wearing grape, apple and banana outfits were exposed. In the 1980's, I may of had some knockoff Guess or Sergio Valente jeans, a fake alligator shirt, penny loafer shoes (with the penny in them) and a fake "members only" jacket to complete my preppy look, but you better believe I had a belt to keep those pants up and my shirt was tucked in. In fact, if I didn't have a belt, someone would say "Where's your belt?"

To read the entire article click here.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

What is next for Michael Vick

Michael Vick has completed his first year back in the NFL. He was a seldom used feature in the Philadelphia Eagles offense. Vick was used for gimmick plays mostly but occassionaly called on to throw the ball. Admittedly with Donovan McNabb on your team, almost anyone would be a backup quarterback. A far cry from his days in "Hotlanta" as the face of the Atlanta Falcons franchise and NFL jersey sales that were unrivaled. His run and gun style even drew fans who would normally not have watched the Falcons unless they were playing their favorite team. Many were just mesmerized at his ability and just watched the Falcons to see what he would do. During his heyday, Vick drew a lot of "haters" who believed in the "traditional" stand in the pocket style of quarterbacking.
Michael Vick was the star of the league and had a salary to commensurate his popularity. All of that changed when he was convicted and sent to prison for his involvement in horrible acts of dog fighting and animal cruelty. It was Vick's involvement that shed light on a "activity" that is normally reserved for the underground. For someone with a future as bright as Vick and to be caught up in a low level activity such as dog fighting, it was hard for many to grasp. Those who thought dog fighting wasn't a big deal suddenly realized how cruelly animals are treated and the involved illegal implications that can lead to time in prison.

To read the entire article click here.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Your San Francisco Rumble is playing basketball to support efforts in Haiti

The American Basketball Association (ABA) is alive an well and now playing at the Richmond P.A.L. gymnasium for a good cause. Several teams in the ABA have joined forces to play from February 1-6 to assist the Richmond High School Kiwins Club and Richmond P.A.L. to raise money for the relief effort in Haiti. As explained in my earlier article, the Kiwins Club is assisting with bringing awareness of this event and collecting donations for the Haitian relief effort.

Our local team, the San Francisco Rumble, will play on three days of this event. The ABA teams that are participating are at the Richmond P.A.L. gym are:

San Francisco Rumble
Compton Cobras
Hawaii Pegasus
California Sea Kings
Sacramento Heatwave
Clayton Showtime
Seattle Mountaineers

To read the entire article click here.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Richmond High students and pro basketball teams collaborate for donations to benefit Haiti

Richmond P.A.L. (Police Athletic League) will host a series of ABA professional basketball games in their P.A.L. gymnasium the week of February 1-6, 2009. The location is 2200 McDonald Ave in Richmond. Proceeds from the games will be donated to the Red Cross for the relief effort in Haiti. Tickets prices range from $10 per individual game to $50 for the series pass. Corporate Sponsors are welcomed to advertise at the event.

Students from the Kiwins Club of Richmond High School are dedicated to make a difference in the lives of Haitians and are assisting with ticket sales, refreshments, collecting financial and clothing donations and canned food drives before and during the games. Richmond P.A.L. has teamed up with Sports Authority who is offering to send all donated shoes from this event to Haiti.

To read the entire story click here.
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