Sunday, November 2, 2008

Obama Wins (unofficial poll)

Based on the unofficial tally for your selection for President of the United States, Obama was the pick by a whopping vote of 6-1 for President of the United States. Hopefully the turnout on election day will be bigger than this. As for me, I am very cautious despite the fact that he has a lead in the polls. Based on what happened in 2000 and even 2004 I am waiting until election night. Trust me I will be wide awake that night.

Over the last few months I have asked my older relatives did they ever think they will see the day an Black/African American (or half-white as a White associate jokingly reminds me) would have the opportunity to run for President. Everyone I asked said "No." All of them have been glued to the news over the past year. Though in my life I have seen some challenges when it came to my ethnicity, however those experiences paled in comparison to my elders. I also think about my younger cousins, for as they grow the possibility of a Black President will not be too big of a deal. As we move forward to closing the gap on race in this country I consider this a good thing. Stay tuned!

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