Sunday, November 16, 2008


In my book I discuss in the three chapter headings my intrepretation of "Love," "Power" and "Drama." This is Drama! This past week I was exposed to Drama that affected me very personally. I was involved in a automobile accident. Despite the unfortunate situation I was in of being the middle car of a three car crash or the meat in the sandwich, by the grace of God I am fine and the two other drivers involved appeared to be fine as well. It happened on the highway and I was only one exit away from home. The photo's attached are of my car...not good.

After the impact, the driver in front of me got out and came to my car as I was seated. He could of said anything such as "What the $%^& were you doing!" or "You just #$%^*& up my car!" His first question to me was "Are you ok?...Good let's pull over." He then went to the car behind me that started the chain reaction and I believe said the same thing.

His demeanor really helped me to relax. To be honest during and after the impact I went from being scared to being upset. Instead of thinking how fortunate to survive and remain uninjured, I was thinking about my car and what was I going to do. However after the driver asked me if I was ok, I calmed down enough to realize how thankful I should be. I can always get another car, however I only have one body. The driver who approached me was calm under some serious drama and it turned out to be a great learning experience for me. This man had the ability to be calm under pressure and had the forthright to be concerned about others. So to him I say..."Yes, I am fine."

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