Sunday, November 2, 2008

Book Signing - National Council of Negro Women

This past Saturday I had the pleasure of attending as a vendor the San Francisco Bay Area's National Council of Negro Women annual fashion show in Oakland. It was a great event and I had an opportunity to meet other vendors as well as enjoy the event and fashion show. As a vendor I had a table set up to display Verbal Abstractions and introduce items such as book markers and gift baskets. Contact me at for more information about the book markers and gift baskets. They will be available soon online. Getting there was a trip. We had a small rain storm and as typical California's who notoriously can't drive well in bad weather, there were plenty of traffic jams due to accidents. We were even stuck in a tunnel and due to a car that caught on fire. It's not good smelling smoke inside a tunnel, people were trying to back up. But by the grace of God we made it unscathed. I had the fortunate opportunity to autograph the books.

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