Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Al and Tipper, can marriage survive?

When the reports surfaced of Al and Tipper Gore filing for divorce after 40 years of marriage, it was just another realization of not taking marriage for granted. It was also a realization of not making the following statements "Oh that will never happen to us...." and "Divorce is not an option" This is proof that in life you never really know what can happen.
You would think after that 40 years of marriage with your partner, you have seen just about everything and probably survived just about everything one can throw at a marriage (kids, infidelity, sickness, financial instability, bad habits, etc.). After all, there are many divorces finalized within the first five years of marriage and some divorcees are still paying off the wedding. Many have married for the wrong reasons and later realized they did not love the person they married. With the Gore's on paper married for 40 years, I don't feel the right to give advice but more so seek advice on not falling into the same situation.
To read the entire article click here.

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