Tuesday, January 19, 2010

MSNBC wasted an opportunity to discuss race

If you missed MSNBC's "Obamas America: 2010 and Beyond" with Tom Joyner, you didn't miss much. If you have the program recorded on Tivo then my apologies in advance. The focus of this live town hall meeting was to discuss race relations in America particularly after President Obama's nomination as President of the United States. The panel included noted African Americans such as Fox News nationally syndicated radio host Stephen A. Smith and other esteemed educators and guests. This panel was moderated by MSNBC's Chris Matthews with co-host Tom Joyner, the nationally syndicated DJ of the Tom Joyner Morning Show. The setting was perfect as a town hall meeting on the campus of Texas Southern University, a Historically Black College and University (HBCU). The day was perfect as we observed the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The town hall was "sold out" with thousands eager to listen and get involved. However the setting and location were the only major positives of this event.

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