Sunday, January 25, 2009

Back from D.C. - New President

We were blessed with the opportunity to witness what was played out on a world stage. The swearing in of the 44th President of the United States of America. It was a very cold day as we made our way through the streets of D.C. from Union Station. The organization of the volunteers and those directing traffic were not organized but how many times does one host an event of over a million people? However nothing overshadowed the historic significance of the day and people for the most part were in awe of the event. My pictures do not provide much justice to capture the emotions of us during this pivotal point in history. I was amongst people of all different nationalities and age groups. I seen the elderly bear the elements with canes and wheelchairs showing the determination of not wanting to miss a lifelong struggle. I seen kids excited about this day in a way that I was never excited at their age about any President. I don't recall putting much emphasis into the presidency back then.

As a Black Man in America, I am still in a daze from election night and have difficulty describing my emotions. As Mr. President begins his daunting task of guiding this nation with the problems laid out for him, I am reminded that I and everyone else can't expect one man to fix our problems. We must all pitch in and volunteer at some level to help make the "Change" Obama has spoken about. We also need pray for President Obama for the ability to guide and direct the nations' affairs and for the safety of himself and his family. I ask God almighty to guide Mr. Obama during his tenure. To all of you who have voted for Mr. President "Congratulations" now lets roll up our sleeves and get to work. For those who didn't you can either stand on the sidelines and remain upset for the next four years (like many of us did the last eight) or give America a hand.
President's Car in Inaugural Parade

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