Monday, January 12, 2009

On our way to D.C.

This weekend we will make our way to the Nations Capital to witness what will be an historic event. I have heard from my friends and family who reside nearby and they are all staying home to witness the event due to the massive amount of people like myself who will enter the Nations Capital. The decision to go for us was made right after Obama won the vote for President back in November. Although we tried to obtain the valuable tickets to attend the inauguration we were unsuccessful. Nevertheless we will be amongst the many who will witness the event on jumbotrons out in the Capital mall.

On Inauguration Day we will leave a relatives house in Maryland and enter D.C. by train. I had to buy the tickets in advance because the tickets were selling out. Plus special tickets was required to travel on the MARC train for this day. I'll will have plenty of pictures for when I return.

I am also beginning the draft of what is to be my next book to be titled "Verbal Reflections - The Children of Light Series." I am excited about this book and my goal is to have this book finished by the end of the year. More to come on this book. If you haven't done so pick up a copy of my current book Verbal Abstractions and let me know your feedback at

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