Thursday, October 23, 2008

History In The Making

With so much as stake during this Presidential election, I find myself glued to the TV or Internet at times to find out the latest. More than any other election I can recall, because of the candidates, this has become very interesting. The symbol on the right side of the blog shows it is obvious I am an Obama supporter. I have to admit it is amazing to see someone of color to lead the Party's nomination in an attempt to become President of the United States. Even through it is happening at times it is still hard to believe. This is a special time in history and I am glad to be a part of it. However the election is not over (as of this writing) and anything can happen. We must embrace those who we see as trendsetters and breaking glass ceilings and realize we can achieve our own goals and ideas. Even in an poor economy such as this we must not give up. Remember no matter how bad things seem all you have to do is travel outside of the US of A and you will find out quickly how fortunate we still are. We just need the right leadership to guide this Country in the right direction. So I say pray for our leaders and don't forget to vote. Also don't forget to vote in the "unofficial" Verbal Abstractions Presidential Poll on this page.

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