Sunday, March 25, 2012

Trayvon Martin - My 2 Cents..What's yours?

What happened to Trayvon affected many of us because we were touched with the senseless way he was murdered and the way it was handled by the local police department. It is my hope that Zimmerman will have his day in court since Trayvon never will. I can't help to think about my younger male brethren, nephews and cousins who are often stereotyped and placed in a negative light while they attempt to find their way in the world. It is up to us to lead them from boys to men. It is up to us to show them a love for God, the opportunity to follow their dreams and show them right from wrong.

While I am greatly humbled with the energy from people of all races and backgrounds who are speaking out on the injustice of this tragedy, it is my hope we can take this energy and tackle the disproportional number of Black and Latino males behind bars and the disparity in sentences they are granted for their crimes. Don't get me wrong, if you do the crime you should do the time, however our current model of building more prisons and cutting funding to schools and educational programs is not working. It is my hope that we can work to reduce the murders on our streets that comes from poverty situations and self hatred. If we are all Trayvon than we must not let his death be in vain and change our society. We must not let this effort die with him after the ending of this chapter is written.

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