Monday, December 7, 2009

Van Waller as the "Motivator"

After listening to Van Waller explain his life's story, you may have given him a "pass" if he had chosen to give up on life. While observing Van in action with his life's mission to "motivate" others, you realize Van's remarkable feat of persistence giving him the willingness to succeed. As a author, motivational speaker and professional photographer, Van Waller brings these gifts together to carry out his mission.
Recently I had the pleasure of catching up with Van and realized just after a few minutes of conversation, the obstacles I place in front of myself to avoid reaching my full potential have to be eliminated. I am starting to focus my goals and dreams and develop plans to achieve them. If you or your company find yourself in a similar situation, this is where Van can help. As a child, Van was diagnosed and suffered with a skin condition that made "fitting-in" as a youth impossible. As Van became a teenager and young adult, the condition grew worse and greatly affected his self-esteem and relationships with people. Often ridiculed by his peers, Van dealt with loneliness and thoughts of suicide as life seemed unfair and impossible. The medication prescribed to Van unfortunately had the side-effect of causing blindness. Eventually regaining his sight, Van as a young man found himself homeless and sleeping in the back seat of his car in parking lots in the San Francisco Bay Area. To top it off, Van was told by some who were close to him that he would never succeed in life.
Those who ridiculed and underestimated Van, didn't realize the motivation to succeed Van carried within himself. As the author of the book "An Invitation to Succeed," a powerful resource that provides ways to achieve your goals, Van is preparing to distribute his new book "It's a Man Thing, Food for Thought, Growth and Change." The motivation for this book is based on his concern for the young men who growing up without fathers and with no mentoring on what it takes to be a man. "This book addresses tools and resources that deal with men and young men's issues" Van explains. For more details on Van's books and their future CD format, please check with Van's website. Van who refers to himself at the "Encouragement Specialist" has spoken throughout the Bay Area at various schools, corporations, churches, conferences, radio and television interviews with the mission to provide encouragement any way he can. Van also conducts self esteem workshops which provide assistance on how to build your self esteem. His background provides the backdrop of someone who understands how difficult it is to be encouraged in an environment where encouragement can be difficult. Van has the ability to reach out and encourage those who can't get over the stumbling blocks to reach their dreams.
The Encouragement Specialist has brought his gifts as a author and photographer together with his soon to be released catalog that assist in providing the tools to overcome obstacles and provide perspectives to view ourselves in a more positive light. The catalog contains posters that provide Van's photographic images and encouraging quotes from his book "An Invitation to Succeed." Van's goal is to have the catalog complete before Christmas. For more information on Van Waller or if you would like for Van to speak at your event, you can contact Van at 707-208-5855 or website

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