Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Try a cultural new years resolution

So you have a new years resolution. Let me guess, lose some weight. It is funny when attending the gym in January and seeing so many newbies in there. Once inside, many newbies seek no direction and fail to develop a workout plan despite the temporary dedication. By the time the month of March comes around, I finally have access to the equipment I had to fight for in January and February. Reason being is the dedication to the resolution faded away.
While not to discourage you on obtaining and maintaining a weight loss resolution, I would like to add another resolution that will enrich your mind while you work off those holiday pounds of turkey, gravy and your Aunt's peach cobbler (yum).
Make a cultural resolution in 2010. Take the time to understand and experience a new culture. One way to grow as a person is to make an attempt to understand what life is like in someone else's shoes. Doing this will heighten your appreciation for your fellow man and woman.
To read the entire article click here.

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