Monday, September 15, 2008

Expanding the Blog

I realized those of you who have clicked on this page may want more information regarding the book. I believe the best way to do it is have an additional link to this webpage that describes the book in detail which is difficult to do on this page. As per my last entry, I feel a little better since the Raiders redeemed themselves yesterday. However with the Owner/Coach issues, there is never a dull moment in Raiderland.

I also want the book to be critiqued by book reviewers. I have sent out copies to perspective book reviewers who will do just that. I will post their responses is whenever I receive it.

Monday, September 8, 2008

A List

Today I had to cheer myself up after the Raiders humiliating loss to the Broncos on Monday Night Football. By halftime I wondered why I finished my workout at the gym early just to come home and watch this game. I was watching an episode of the Michael Baisden show I recorded earlier. The topic was "Are Women too picky when it comes to choosing a Man." The subject of "lists" came up and it related to the things Women want (and Men too) to find in their companion.

For those people who have a detailed list of their ideal mate and are unwavering with anything on the list, I believe it will lead them to disappointment in their dating lives. I say this because it is very rare to find someone to meet all of your requirements. Even if you do find your Prince Charming, that particular person may have greater expectations in a partner that you can provide. Even in long lasting Marriages, a spouse may have qualities that the other spouse doesn't like however their good qualities far outweigh the negative. That's love.

Don't get me wrong, it's OK to have standards, you need them to weed out the bad ones. However lighten up on that list a little and allow that person an opportunity to be themselves. You never know, that new person may bring out qualities that help improve an overall you. If you are ready to dump a person who may have only 70% of your qualities, someone else may take him/her if they came from a relationship with only 40%.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


At this time my heart and prayers go out to those who are in the way of Hurricane Gustav. Also to those family members around the United States who have relatives/friends in the region. Thankfully the City/State and Feds were more prepared than Katrina three years ago. However it is already speculated that property damage could be among the worst in US history.
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