Monday, August 25, 2008

Thank You

Thank you to those who have viewed this blog and purchased the books. I am honored of the interest the book has taken so far. I already know what I want to do for my next book however I have to slow down and market Verbal Abstractions. As an independent publisher I am involved in all the legwork of the marketing however I am having a great time doing so. I figured instead of waiting to find a publisher who would take on this book why not market it yourself. This way I wont have to wade through the rejection notices until someone decided to move forward.

Stay tuned for times and locations for book signings. Feel free to email me at for any questions you may have or to just give a shout out!
Click the link below to find out more about me! Or email me at

Back in the days (1992?)

Back in the days (1992?)
Cal Poly Black Male Support Group